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Designed to help create a tear effect to the eyes. Best used with the Menthol Blower. Vapors of the Menthol Crystals help sensitize the eyes, creating the tears to come out.
Best Instructions For Use & Safety: Unscrew back of blower. Apply a very thin layer of cotton from a cotton ball towards the front of the blower. Following a thin layer of cotton, insert the bundle of Menthol Crystal desired. After inserting the Menthol Crystals, insert another thin layer of cotton. The purpose of the cotton in the front and the back is that the front will eliminate any opportunity of the Menthol Crystals shooting out into the talents eyes. The cotton in the back eliminates any possible saliva getting through to the Menthol Crystals. Spray into talents eyes 6"-10" away from talents eyes. If any irritations occur, stop using and contact a local pharmacy or a local physician.