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Available in an array of colors to complete any character:
Black Tooth FX™ is perfect for creating chipped, broken, or missing tooth fxBlood Red Tooth FX™ creates bloody teeth for gory SFX makeupGold Tooth FX™ gives a metallic gold chrome effect to the teethNicotine Tooth FX™ turns your teeth into stained, discolored teeth with a deep mustard yellow hueSpinach Tooth FX™ is a green tooth polish for creating creepy Halloween tooth fxWhite Tooth FX™, get pearly whites with this teeth whitening paintHow to use this product:
Dry teeth with a towel. Paint on dry teeth with the provided brush. For best results, paint in small areas between the teeth to give the appearance of decay or chipped teeth. Tooth FX™ can be removed by applying a small amount of isopropyl alcohol on a cotton swab, wiping the Tooth FX™ off, or brushing teeth with toothpaste. Do not apply ToothFX™ to dentures or veneers.