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Leanne's Butterfly Palette fx includes: Leanne's Lollipop fx, Berry Butterfly fx, Berry Pretty fx, Tink fx, Leanne's Sunshine fx and Leanne's Princess fx
Leanne's Lollipop fx: Prime Deep Purple - Prime Deep Teal - FX UV Neon Yellow - FX UV Neon Orange - FX UV Neon PinkBerry Butterfly fx: Prime Deep Purple - Prime Magic Magenta - FX UV Neon Pink - Prime White - FX UV Neon Yellow Berry Pretty fx: Prime Deep Merlot - Prime Magic Magenta - FX UV Neon Pink - Prime White - FX UV Neon Orange Tink fx: Prime Deep Green - FX UV Neon Green - FX UV Neon Yellow - Prime Lime Green - Prime White Leanne's Sunshine fx: Prime Magic Magenta - FX UV Neon Pink - FX UV Neon Orange - FX UV Neon Yellow - Prime White Leanne's Princess fx: Prime Deep Purple - Prime Deep Teal - Prime White - FX UV Neon Pink - Prime Magic Magenta
How to Apply
Simply load a paint sponge with some or all of the colours in this cake by moving the sponge from side to side, and then tapping the colours just where you want them. You can create amazingly colourful designs with just one cake! Take care using just enough water to activate and load your sponge to get a clean impression. You can also use these larger rainbow cakes for 1 stroke painting if you load up just a few of the colours at a time with a 1” or smaller flat brush. Once you have the colours that you want loaded you can paint flowers, snakes, butterflies, dragons and so much more!
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