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Ben Nye, Sr. pioneered Silver Grey Hair Color to subtly age hair to a natural silver-grey tone. Ivory Hair Color is the latest innovation to naturally age dark hair without it appearing blue. For small streaks of color, comb colors through the hair with a disposable mascara wand. When applying full coverage color over the hair, pour Hair Color into a bowl, and apply color with a hair color brush or fine-tooth brush.To increase the durability of colors, seal with hairspray. Remove hair color with shampoo and warm water. Avoid use on chemically treated hair. Protect costumes during application.
Silver Grey - Ben Nye's original hair color. Realistic silver-grey age tone with subtle metallic highlights.Dark Grey - Recently revised, this shade is now a true deep grey.Taupe - Subtle neutral brown adds dramatic contrasts to white hair.Auburn - Rich, warm red-brown tone.Dark Brown - Rich, natural shade for blending or an all-over color. May be used to fill in bald spots.Snow White - Streak into Silver Grey or Dark Grey to brighten highlights. Excellent for Santa's beard and brows.Ivory - Hint of yellow provides natural aging on dark brown or black hair.Midnight Black - Completely blackens hair for dramatic effects.